Petersen-Wagner, RenanGuimarães-Mataruna, Andressa Fontesde Souza, Adriano Lopesdos Santos, Doiara SilvaMataruna-Dos-Santos, Leonardo Joseda Silva, Otávio Guimarães Tavares2021-10-272021-10-272021Petersen-Wagner, R., Guimarães-Mataruna, A.F., Lopes de Souza, A.L., dos Santos, D.S., Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L.J. & da Silva, O.G.T. (2021). Fandom and digital media during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: A Brazilian perspective using @TimeBrasil Twitter data. In D. Jackson, A. Bernstein, M. Butterworth, Y. Cho, D.S. Coombs, M. Devlin & C. Onwumechili (Eds.), Olympic and Paralympic Analysis 2020: Mega events, media, and the politics of sport (pp. 112-113). The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media Research.978-1-910042-33-5 2020 Olympics were arguably the most disrupted Olympiad of recent times. The novel coronavirus global pandemic has caused important changes to our relationship to sport and our ways of life in both local and global settings. The Olympic calendar was transformed through the postponement of the summer Olympic Games, and ultimately we all had to appreciate the event at distance. Now that the games have concluded, it is important to reflect on how those disruptions materialized themselves in a place that is becoming ever more common in our lives: digital media and, in particular, social media platforms.enPermission to reuse abstract has been secured from The Centre for Comparative Politics and Media c/o Dr. Daniel JacksonFandom and digital media during the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games: A Brazilian perspective using @TimeBrasil Twitter dataBook chapter