Wanick, VanissaXavier, GuilhermeMataruna-Dos-Santos, Leonardo Jose2021-08-222021-08-222021Wanick, V., Xavier, G. & Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L.J. (2021). Playing for peace: understanding the conflict management through design in games and the possible insertion in the Olympic and Paralympic games: OGANDO PELA PAZ: ENTENDENDO A GESTÃO DE CONFLITOS POR MEIO DO DESIGN DE JOGOS E POSSÍVEIS INSERÇÕES NOS JOGOS OLÍMPICOS E PARALÍMPICOS. In L.J. Mataruna-Dos-Santos & T. Viegas (Eds.), Olimpismo e Paz (pp. 66-87). Academia Olimpica de Portugal.978-989-95267-9-2https://aop.pt/upload/tb_book/020210807104117/0610e66034c1b2/OlimpismoePaz.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12519/432Games are interactive systems that play a crucial role in teaching through scenarios that expose mechanics and dynamics promoted by the cause and consequence of an action. Games can be used to engage players in conflict resolution challenges. Considering that Olympic, Paralympic, and Educational Values seek respect, friendship, and concepts of peace in their nature, this chapter seeks to understand how games created for conflict management can be used to promote the message of peace. To do so, we sought to analyze five games: World Peace Game (WPG), PeaceMaker, Liyla and The Shadows Of War (LARSOW), This War Of Mine (TWOM), and Valiant Hearts: The Great War (VHTGW). From a systematic analysis of values and game elements, we see that the message of peace is tied to the narrative, which may or may not be flexible. There is also the possibility of creating scenarios with more players and facilitating discussion with game educators like WPG. This way, this chapter not only shows the possibility of incorporating values in games, but also presents the educational potential of these e-games, which can be applied to promote discussions about stereotypes, diversity, and inclusion. We hope this chapter will be of interest to educators, designers, and researchers in the field of Sports.enPermission to reuse abstract has been secured from Academia Olimpica de Portugalgames designconflict managementpeacePlaying for peace: understanding the conflict management through design in games and the possible insertion in the Olympic and Paralympic games: OGANDO PELA PAZ: ENTENDENDO A GESTÃO DE CONFLITOS POR MEIO DO DESIGN DE JOGOS E POSSÍVEIS INSERÇÕES NOS JOGOS OLÍMPICOS E PARALÍMPICOSJogando pela paz: entendendo a gestão de conflitos por meio do design de jogos e possíveis inserções nos jogos olímpicos e paralímpicosBook chapter