Trabelsi, KhaledAmmar, AchrafMasmoudi, LiwaBoukhris, OmarChtourou, HamdiBouaziz, BassemBrach, MichaelBentlage, EllenHow, DaniellaAhmed, MonaMueller, PatrickMueller, NotgerHsouna, HsenRomdhani, MohamedHammouda, OmarPaineiras-Domingos, Laisa LianeBraakman-jansen, AnnemarieWrede, ChristianBaston, SophiaPernambuco, Carlos SoaresMataruna-Dos-Santos, Leonardo JoseTaheri, MortezaIrandoust, KhadijehKhacharem, AïmenBragazzi, Nicola LStrahle, JanaWashif, Jad AdrianAndreeva, AlbinaBailey, Stephen JActon, JarredMitchell, EmmaBot, Nicholas TGargouri, FaiezChaari, LotfiBatatia, Hadjkhoshnami, Samira CSamara, EvangeliaZisi, VasilikiSankar, ParasanthAhmed, Waseem NAli, Gamal MohamedAbdelkarim, OsamaJarray, MohamedAbed, Kais ElMoalla, WassimSouissi, NafaaAloui, AsmaSouissi, NizarGemert-Pijnen, Lisette VanRiemann, Bryan LRiemann, LaurelDelhey, JanGómez-Raja, JonathanEpstein, MoniqueSanderman, RobbertSchulz, SebastianJerg, AchimAl-Horani, RamziMansi, TaysirDergaa, IsmailJmail, MohamedBarbosa, FernandoFerreira-Santos, FernandoŠimunič, BoštjanPišot, RadoPišot, SašaGaggioli, AndreaSteinacker, JürgenZmijewski, PiotrClark, Cain C.T.Apfelbacher, ChristianGlenn, Jordan MSaad, Helmi BenChamari, KarimDriss, TarakHoekelmann, Anita2021-02-212021-02-21© 20212021Trabelsi, K., Ammar, A., Masmoudi, L., Boukhris, O., Chtourou, H., & Bouaziz, B. et al. (2021). Globally altered sleep patterns and physical activity levels by confinement in 5056 individuals: ECLB COVID-19 international online survey. Biology of Sport, 38(4), 495-506. article is licensed under Creative Commons License and full text is openly accessible in CUD Digital Repository. The version of the scholarly record of this article is published in Biology of Sport (2021), accessible online through this link of psychological distress and disorder have been widely reported in people under quarantine during the COVID-19 pandemic; in addition to severe disruption of peoples’ daily activity and sleep patterns. This study investigates the association between physical-activity levels and sleep patterns in quarantined individuals. An international Google online survey was launched in April 6th, 2020 for 12-weeks. Forty-one research organizations from Europe, North-Africa, Western-Asia, and the Americas promoted the survey through their networks to the general society, which was made available in 14 languages. The survey was presented in a differential format with questions related to responses “before” and “during” the confinement period. Participants responded to the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire and the short form of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire. 5056 replies (59.4% female), from Europe (46.4%), Western-Asia (25.4%), America (14.8%) and North-Africa (13.3%) were analysed. The COVID-19 home confinement led to impaired sleep quality, as evidenced by the increase in the global PSQI score (4.37 ± 2.71 before home confinement vs. 5.32 ± 3.23 during home confinement) (p < 0.001). The frequency of individuals experiencing a good sleep decreased from 61% (n = 3063) before home confinement to 48% (n = 2405) during home confinement with highly active individuals experienced better sleep quality (p < 0.001) in both conditions. Time spent engaged in all physical-activity and the metabolic equivalent of task in each physical-activity category (i.e., vigorous, moderate, walking) decreased significantly during COVID-19 home confinement (p < 0.001). The number of hours of daily-sitting increased by ~2 hours/days during home confinement (p < 0.001). COVID-19 home confinement resulted in significantly negative alterations in sleep patterns and physical-activity levels. To maintain health during home confinement, physical-activity promotion and sleep hygiene education and support are strongly warranted. © 2021 Institute of Sport. All rights reserved.enCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 LicenseCOVID-19 pandemicHealthLockdownsSedentary lifestyleSleepGlobally altered sleep patterns and physical activity levels by confinement in 5056 individuals: ECLB COVID-19 international online surveyArticleCopyright : © 2021 Institute of Sport. All rights reserved.