Guimarães-Mataruna, Andressa FontesMilla, Asli CazorlaMataruna-Dos-Santos, Leonardo Jose2021-08-222021-08-222021Guimarães-Mataruna, A.F., Milla, A.C. & Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L.J. (2021). Digitalization of Olympism and peace from the Portuguese language Olympic committees’ perspective = Digitalização do Olimpismo e paz na perspectiva dos comitês olímpicos de língua Portuguesa. In L.J. Mataruna-Dos-Santos & T. Viegas (Eds.), Olympism and Peace = Olimpismo e Paz (pp. 193-201). Lisbon: Academia Olimpica de Portugal. book chapter is not available at CUD collection. The version of scholarly record of this book chapter is published in Olympism and Peace = Olimpismo e Paz (2021), available online at: present chapter presents an investigative study about the promotion of Olympism and peace ideals. The publications on the Portuguese Language Olympic Committees’ profiles on Instagram were observed from January 1, 2019 to July 1, 2020. The study considered the social, economical, and peace indexes as promoted by the United Nations and the Olympism ideals as described in the Olympic Chart to refer to discussions related to the content published on that social medium. It concludes that the Olympic Committees from the Portuguese Language countries should raise the number of publications and deepen the discussions to encourage the promotion of peace using sports and Olympism as a means for social intervention and Olympic Education.otherPermission to reuse abstract has been secured from Academia Olimpica de PortugalOlympic EducationPromotion of PeacePortuguese Language CountriesDigitalization of Olympism and peace from the Portuguese language Olympic committees’ perspective = Digitalização do Olimpismo e paz na perspectiva dos comitês olímpicos de língua PortuguesaDigitalização do Olimpismo e paz na perspectiva dos comitês olímpicos de língua PortuguesaBook chapter