Ghasemi, HamidMataruna-Dos-Santos, Leonardo Jose2021-03-272021-03-272021Ghasemi, H. & Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L.J. (2021). An Overview of New Opportunities for Training Sport and Physical Education Courses in the Corona Pandemic. The International EFAL-IT BLOG, 2(2). – 5629 article is not available at CUD collection. The version of scholarly record of this article is published in The International EFAL-IT BLOG : Information Technology innovations in Economics, Finance, Accounting, and Law (2021), available online at: the start of the Corona Pandemic in 2020, a growing trend for Virtual training and e-learning began. The new communication technologies create many opportunities for effective learning in physical education. Physical education instructors and students should have suitable knowledge of "computers and information" literacy. Some of the most important competencies related to these two types of literacy include “ability to search effectively for information”, “installing the necessary software on mobile and personal computer”, “ability to work with educational software and familiarity with the various settings required to participate in the class”. The learning management system or LMS is a software infrastructure in the web environment. The LMS software is responsible for supporting educational processes with different capacities such as “managing and facilitating the distribution of electronic content”, “creating teacher-student interaction online and offline”, “selecting units, assigning classes and introducing professors”, “recording and saving user information and activities performed”, and “providing access to past classes”. Users have access to various educational resources, libraries and useful links in e-learning. Virtual classroom is a module that can be added to LMS system because most of the activities of a face- to -face classroom can be done in it. Practical courses require real-world learning; but some training methods based on new communication technologies such as “MOOCs, Gamification, Virtual Reality, Virtual Lab, and Augmented Reality” are considered to find effective training methods in practical courses. MOOC is a course that is available online through the Internet and its aim is to provide unlimited participation conditions so that anyone can register without the usual formal registration process and at no cost. It is abbreviation of “Massive”, “Open”, “Online”, and “Courses”. Gamification uses the game mechanics for a learning course and to improve the learner’s motivation. Virtual reality deals with the assumption of creating a virtual world - real or imagined - and allows users not only see it but also interact with it. There seems to be good opportunities in the VR environment for use in practical physical education courses. A virtual lab is a computer-based activity in which students communicate with experimental devices via a computer. Augmented Reality is an advanced version of the real world which is obtained through digital visual elements, sound or other sensory stimuli resulting from technology. Due to the importance of practical classes in physical education, attention to the potential of new communication technologies such as “Gamification, Virtual Reality, Virtual Lab and Augmented Reality” has received the most attention from experts.enPermission to reuse abstract has been secured from Animus Nutus S.r.l.PandemicTechnologyDistance LearningAn Overview of New Opportunities for Training Sport and Physical Education Courses in the Corona PandemicArticle