The contribution of human sciences to educational processes associated with COVID-19


The COVID-19, an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered biological agent, has turned into a devastating pandemic (Wu; Zhao; Yu et al., 2020). Social and behavioral factors have played a fundamental role in the incredibly rapid spread of the disease: a) poor hygiene habits; b) business traveling/commuting and tourism; c) training and discipline to prevent similar cases; d) uncontrolled economy and overconsumption; e) governmental extremism (The Lancet, 2019; The Lancet 2020); f) disbelief of scientific findings, negationist or antiscientific views; g) individualism, lack of community spirit; h) anti ecological behaviors, environmental devastation.


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Drigo, A. J., Fernandes, M. M., Mór, R. L., Ribeiro, E. D., Marcon, G., Borba-Pinheiro, C. J., . . . Christofoletti, A. E. M. (2021). The contribution of human sciences to educational processes associated with COVID-19. Motricidade, 17(2), 104-107.

