Would the athletes be in peace in the planet of masks? = Estariam os atletas em paz no planeta das máscaras?


This present chapter debates the dilemma about a planet living a dichotomy about using or not masks to get protected from COVID-19 contamination during the pandemic. The discussion presents the adaptation of an appropriate model of behaviour change to foster a model of peace promotion in sports.


This book chapter is not available at CUD collection. The version of scholarly record of this book chapter is published in Olympism and Peace = Olimpismo e Paz (2021), available online at: https://aop.pt/upload/tb_book/020210807104117/0610e66034c1b2/OlimpismoePaz.pdf


planet of masks, new normal, COVID-19, peace promotion


Mataruna-Dos-Santos, L.J., Marcon, G., Range, D., Ghasemi, H., dos Santos, J.M.P., Khan, M.S., Azeem . . . Petersen-Wagner, R. (2021). Would the athletes be in peace in the planet of masks? = Estariam os atletas em paz no planeta das máscaras? In L.J. Mataruna-Dos-Santos & T. Viegas (Eds.), Olympism and Peace = Olimpismo e Paz (pp. 155-161). Lisbon: Academia Olimpica de Portugal.

